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全新 神火surefire 6P Original 军版户外登山强光手电筒
- 品牌:军版
- 灯泡及附件种类:混合型灯泡
- 最高亮度(最大光通量):100流明以下
- 最大射程:50m(含)-100m(不含)
- 材质:铝合金
- 重量:0.2KG
- 电池规格:CR123
- 连续照明时间:10小时
- 使用时间:10年
- 是否防水:是
- 产地:美国
- 吊牌价:1500
- 长度:14cm
重量:141克(不含电池) 灯泡:P60氙气灯泡
The 6P Original is a compact high-output flashlight featuring an anodized aerospace aluminum body. It uses a precision micro-textured reflector and a SureFire incandescent lamp to produce a smooth, brilliant beam with enough power to temporarily blind and disorient an aggressor by impairing his night-adapted vision. Output is either 65 or 120 lumens, depending on which easy-to-install lamp you use—high-output or ultra high-output. The tactically-correct pushbutton tailcap switch provides secure, ergonomic activation control: press for momentary-on, twist for constant-on.
[NSN: 6230-01-381-3292]
- Brilliant white light from high-output lamp (included) or ultra high-output lamp (optional)
- Precision micro-textured reflector creates smooth, optimized beam
- Coated tempered window resists impact, maximizes light
- High-strength aerospace aluminum body, anodized for durability
- Tactical tailcap switch—press for momentary-on, twist for constant-on
- Weatherproof O-ring and gasket sealing
- Includes high-energy 123A batteries with 10-year shelf life
The FM35 is a red filter for flashlights and WeaponLights with a 1.25" bezel diameter. Produces a smooth beam of red light that will not degrade night vision as white light would. Hunters use the red filter to avoid spooking game during pre-dawn hours - deer see poorly in the red color spectrum. The filter is also useful for close range, non-tactical applications - such as map reading -- as it reduces the intensity of light output. Applying thumb pressure to the locking tab releases the cover; a spring mechanism keeps the open cover out of the way by holding it flat against the flashlight. A cam-locking lever keeps the entire unit securely attached to the flashlight.
[NSN: 6230-01-532-3679]
- Fits 1.25" bezels, including Z2, AZ2, C2, C3, G2Z, G2, 6P, 9P(可以使用的神火型号)
- Cam-locking lever keeps filter securely attached to flashlight
- Spring-loaded filter lid stays up when open, locks in closed position
- Provides secondary protection to flashlight window
- Helps preserve dark-adapted vision
surefire神火手电基础知识: 1、surefire神火手电筒 电池为什么是不可充电的CR123A电池? 答:CR123A电池是一次性不可充电的圆柱形锂二氧化锰电池(简称锂锰电池),标称电压3V,容量一般在1400-1500mah左右,标准型号为:CR17345 ,其主要特点是:电压高,比能量高,储存期长,自放电小,放电平稳,安全,使用温度范围宽,可在-40°C~+70°C下正常工作。因此,作为**手电的专用电池是最佳选择。 2、surefire神火手电是否可用充电的ICR16340电池代替CR123A电池? 答:不可!ICR16340电池是可充电钴酸锂离子电池,标称电压3.7V,充满可达4.2V,也被俗称为:RCR123A等型号,16340充电电池安全性低,容量低(700mah左右),自放电较大,低温环境放电性能急剧下降,高温容易炸。而使用在SUREFIRE手电上后,由于电压高会烧毁灯泡或者烧毁电路,导致手电损坏无法使用。 3、为什么surefire神火手电开关有的型捍不动? 答:此种开关为战术点射开关。因为surefire很多手电是为美国军方配备的战术手电,而战术手电要求在恶劣环境下可以稳定操作,并实现瞬间战术点亮,在大多数情况下不需要常亮,因此,surefire设计了此种开关,在拧松开关尾盖后,手电守闭状态。如需瞬间点亮,轻按开关尾帽手电即亮,松开即灭。如需常亮,拧紧尾盖即可,此时再按开关尾帽是按不动的,原因如此。 4、为什么surefire神火手电有的型号亮度不高? 答:神火很多型号作为战术手电使用,要求的是续航和稳定。而大电流的高亮手电虽然亮度高,但是续航和发热及稳定性会大大降低,而在完全黑暗环境里,100流明左右的亮度已经完全可以应付战时需要,所以从稳定可靠、严谨、实用的角度,神火很多战术手电设置电流小,亮度适中。 5、为什么surefire手电筒这么受推崇? 答:surefire神火一直以来致力于稳定、可靠、小巧的设计理念,自诞生以来,多种产品被美国国防部及政府相关部门采用,包括美国联邦调查局(FBI),联邦经济情报局(Secret Service),缉毒署(DEA),美国海军海豹突击队(Navy SEALs)等,已经成为高端战术手电的代名词。也成为诸多手电厂家参考和模仿的对象,在众多美国电影中频繁出现,如《拆部队》等,皆因其结构合理性、可靠稳定的特点成为全球手电发烧友及使用者的挚爱。 6、为什么市场上很多“美国神火”价格很便宜? 答:美国原装进口的神火是surefire,而非其他商标,全部为美国制造,官方网站为:www.surefire.com,众多国内产品为了吸引消费,在市场上大量出售模仿或假冒surefire手电,误导消费,敬请消费者认真辨别,谨防假冒。 |